Sold [Selling] Diablo 3 RoS Softcore EU Account - 2416 Paragon - High End

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Recklessqt, 7/26/18.

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  1. Recklessqt

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    Hey selling my Diablo 3 RoS EU Account - Paragon 2416 NON Season.

    Here you can see some Pictures
    Diablo 3 Account - Paragon 2416 - Album on Imgur

    I am the original owner of the account.
    Free Email and PW change (you can do it yourself. you get the whole email adress)
    Security question and answer for the account will be included of course
    never banned nor suspended
    btag changes and stuff still all avaible

    If you want to have a look at the account ingame we can meet up, no problem.

    Crusader was primarily played and has the best gear. All other characters are geared as well.

    Barb, Wizard, Monk, Witchdoc and Demonhunter are geared but have not been played alot.

    - all gems are lvl ~100-110
    - ten's of thousands craft mats
    - alot of switch gear on chars/vault
    - NO necromancer

    Im pretty sure i forgot stuff, so if you got any question just ask

    This is not the first time im selling one of my accounts. I used different platforms before like ebay ect. I can link you my ebay profile and verify im 100% legit via messages there for example.

    You get 100% of what you pay for, the exact Account mentioned above and seen on the screenshots.

    Asking Price: 200€

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