E2: - Rosa E1: - Demon Hunter 10*: - Vesa - Eddga - Malassa - Dragon Slayer - Karim - Queen - Sigmund - Blood Blade 9*: - King Barton - Kroos - Barea - Emily - Kamath - Corpsedemon - Iceblink 8*: - Michelle - Asmodel - Das Moge - Walter - Aidan 7*: - Sleepless - Gerke - Dark Arthindol - Starlight 5*: - Faith Blade - Mihm - Amuvor - Margaret - Jahra - Blood blade x2 - Divine Spirit - Fegan - Disciple - Dark Spirit x3 - Kristian - Storm Hudde - Michelle x2 - Das Moge x2 - Amuvor x2 - Dark Arthindol - Heart Watcher - Rosa - Demon Hunter x3 - Gusta - Fat Mu - Bleecker - Iceblink x3 - Emily - Walter - Aidan - Lutz 5* Fragments: - Kroos - Rosa Main Team: Dragon Slayer (Celestial Stone 5*) (Flame set), Demon Hunter E1 (Celestial Stone 6*) (Flame set), Rosa E2 (Celestial Stone 6*) (Glory set), Vesa (Celestial Stone 6*) (Glory set), Eddga (Celestial Stone 5*) (Glory set), Malassa (Celestial Stone 5*) (Glory set). Everyone has Red Forest Activation Limit Artifact Tech Guild: Warrior: Warrior Mind 15/20. The other full upgraded Mage: Some spare points Ranger: Ranger Costitution 15/20, Ranger Mind 10/20. The other full upgraded Assassin: Assassin Speed 11/20, Assassin Costitution 10/20, Assassin Mind 10/20. The other full upgraded Priest: Priest Costitution 15/20, Priest Mind 10/20. The other full upgraded Celestial Island: Fully upgraded Aspen Dungeon: Nightmare 1 Tower of Oblivion: 468 No prophet orb and no heroic summon scroll in bags 329 chips 15 soul symbol 419 arena tickets 1K hero promotion stone 1880 soul stone shard For further information contact me here or by e-mail.