Selling  Throne KAW Account 3.5 B Power Siege- 40B RSS - Lots of Legenday Gear/Gems

Discussion in 'Throne Kingdom at War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Little Steve, 7/19/18.

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  1. Little Steve

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    I have a great siege account available to sell. I have too many accounts and want to get rid of some, I will start with this one as its the biggest right now. I also have other accounts that can be built as big right now(would take a few weeks for best results), so if you have a request I might be able to build what you need in the 3-4 billion range. If you want something smaller and cheaper let me know what you need and I may be able to offer it pretty quickly. I am running a lot of accounts! and some must go haha!

    This account has so much I dont even know where to start

    25.8 million T1 seige
    4.3 milion T4 Siege

    222/241 military studies complete
    59/300 economic studies complete
    180/225 Assailant studies complete
    62/255 T1-5 studies complete
    and a small number of the other studies complete

    The military is the big one! I have all of the big 6 complete except the Health During Defence is at 10/15. The troops are very strong! The assailant studies are also maxed for everything you need for killing them, you can kill an alpha with approximately 50K stamina. This account has the best Assailant killing gear and studies you can get if you are buying stamina. I didnt do all the stamina restoration studies because that doesnt help killing them if your buying stamina. At this point though you wont need to kill many more unless you just want the points, this account has almost all gear you will need. The only thing I would recommend is finishing the building gear and then make training gear. The espionage gear would be a nice bonus too but can certainly wait. Likely there is enough materials already to make half of the stuff that isnt made yet. I have been just making them in order of importance.

    I have full Legendary Amarian Siege gear with full legendary gems. Full Legendary Amarian Study gear with full legendary study gems. Full Legendary Assailant killing gear with legendary gems set up for yielding and killing assailants. 3/6 Legendary Amarian Building gear and most of the building gems. And lots of other legendary gear. Also 185 legendary materials in the account and a ton of lower level materials. 186 Legendary gems and lots of all other levels of gems to enhance. Not much stamina left now, but still over 100K to get you those last few materials you may want to finish the building gear.

    This account has level 16 VIP level. 540K gold sitting in it now, and that will likely go up and nothing else will go down. I am also going to include 10 billion of each rss not including food (40 billion rss) so you will be well equipped to grow in the direction you want. The food deficit is high because there is a lot of troops, so that is why im not including any food. But if you buy the account we can work something out for free if you need food, I have tons of it, food is the easiest to get, you just cant hold it when your army is so big.

    There is over 400K inquisitor stamina. I have not started using the inquisitors much, but the adrian architect is Level 30 so you have a little head start.

    The hero level is 58 and only 300M away from LV 59. There is currently 4 hero profiles unlocked to save your settings.

    For a general idea of this account, the study power is 3196104585 power, buildings 12981335 power, troops 349006082 power, hero 20702180 power, inquisitor 220000 power, quests 3421130 power. TOTAL POWER = 3582435312 (almost 3.6 billion)

    The account is set up for hyper farming wood, and has 22 wood farms at lv21 or higher (only 4 are higher) This account has LV25 Palace. 5 barracks in total, LV 20,22,22,22,24. 9 Houses all at lv21 except 1 of them at lv22 and 1 at lv24. only 1 infirmiry at lv24. Military camp lv22.

    That just about covers most details I can think of. if you can think of any questions please contact me and I will tell you anything you want to know. I worked very hard on this account and spent a lot of cash, all the hard work is done, now you can just destroy things :) I have to put the game aside for my busy season and I have way to many accounts going. I will consider any serious reasonable offers so please dont hesitate to contact me. This account was built very efficiently, and I dont think you can build it for this price.

    I will also say, I have been very smart when buying packs from the bank in this, so the account is not messed up. All packs are still in the $5-10 range for the super packs. This was built up slowly only using super packs. If you rushed to try and build this in a month you will be looking at many thousands of dollars because of the way the bank packs work. I am willing to teach anyone how to grow using the least amount of money in the game, there is a trick to it most players overlook because they are in a rush. I messed up a few accounts and spent over $1000 in each and didnt hit 1 billion power. If you learn how to upgrade properly you can get so much more power for your money. The way the game works is the more you spend the worse they treat you, there is things to avoid that will mess up your deals, and I have bought so many deals I have it down to a science! After you mess up your buying patterns in the game it really sets your account back!!! I can help you avoid this with a few tips after you get the account, I am willing to give some great advice that will go a long way!

    one last thing, this account has 20 carriages in it now so it can be moved to a strong kingdom with that. If you want to move to a smaller kingdom it may need as many as 100 carriages. Its in a good kingdom now if you want to stay and play, come join the fun :)

    Thanks for your interest. I look forward to hearing from any serious gamer that wants a kick love you account :)

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    Little Steve

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    see the buy now link above from middle man services
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    Little Steve

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    see the buy now link above from middle man services
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    Little Steve

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    I have revised this listing and made a new post with a lower price and no RSS. Please check my other listing.
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