How to Report a Dispute Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened Example: July 13th 2018 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Example: I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value Example: $406 USD 4. Other Parties Username Example: Jaime. 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment Example: multibanco 6. Other Parties Email Addresses Example: [email protected] 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address Example: 8. Other Parties Messenger Username Example: 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below Greetings Lately I bought a gods of rome account through middleman but unfortunately the seller mislead me, because the account can either be connected through Facebook. or Gmail and he provided me the mail in the 3 way ticket but somehow managed to login again through Facebook. and changed the password. Now I am not able to login again. Please help me out as soon as you can because if you don't I will loose 406$. I Thought I had the account saved and secured but in reality I did not because the seller ommited that he had other ways to login. In the 3 way ticket your directions didn't prevent me from being scammed. Thanks and regards
Go to "change order status" and cancel the order. He does not have the money yet so you'll just be refunded.
Ryan boy thanks for the reply, I cannot change the order status my friend it says I do not have enough privileges to do it. I think it's because my account has been labeled as high risk. I would really appreciate it if you could do something about it. Note that the option to change order status doesn't even appear to me. I've already called middleman about this issue and he said it was fixed but in reality he did not fix anything. As you can see in the following image the "change order status option" does not appear for me. It was the seller that changed my prefix in the 3 way ticket. Please help me out as soon as you can. Thanks and regards
Ryan boy thanks for the reply, I cannot change the order status my friend it says I do not have enough privileges to do it. I think it's because my account has been labeled as high risk. I would really appreciate it if you could do something about it. Note that the option to change order status doesn't even appear to me. I've already called middleman about this issue and he said it was fixed but in reality he did not fix anything. As you can see in the following image the "change order status option" does not appear for me. It was the seller that changed my prefix in the 3 way ticket. Please help me out as soon as you can. Thanks and regards View attachment 367660
Please don't post screenshots with names, emails and account data in a public ticket. Those have been removed. We await the sellers reply here.
Seller did sign in today so we will give them an opportunity to resolve this fairly. Notices were sent to them.
Make sure in the future to NOT confirm delivery unless you're 100% satisfied with the item. You were scolding our team in chat telling us to pay the seller rushing the sale so we did just that at your request. You should be patient and allow our team to assist you and handle these ticket requests accordingly to ensure you're 100% secured yourself.
Hi middleman, I could not possibly guess the seller would do something like this. So now what, will I lose my money and the account?
I was under the assumption the deal happened yesterday. That's unfortunate. We'll see how it plays out.
Hello middleman and Ryan boy, I would like to let you know that I just spoke with the seller and he solved everything with me, I got the account back. He got robbed and somehow the thief's got into his email and social network and changed the passwords but he has already changed everything again and provided me the password again. It's all good now, thanks for the help both of you
Hello middleman and Ryan boy, I would like to let you know that I just spoke with the seller and he solved everything with me, I got the account back. He got robbed and somehow the thief's got into his email and social network and changed the passwords but he has already changed everything again and provided me the password again. It's all good now, thanks for the help both of you
Make sure you get the e-mail so you can do the recovery process yourself. Happy everything turned out well.
Hi Ryan boy, yes I have put my cell phone and my email as part of the recovery process and we already changed the password. Thanks alot for the help and for replying very fast