Current offer:N/A TOP 1-2 DPS ON SERVER Tank all raids with ease. Contact me on Line: EvoFang Serious offers only. I have sold a few CoL accounts already and I have many that can vouch for me as a seller if you’re skeptical. This toon is bound to Gamecenter, FB, and Steam. From me you will get: the iCloud account (Gamecenter), the Steam account, the email that the Steam account is bound to, and the FB account info (although the profile was shut down and you can’t login anymore). I will continue to maintain the character until it’s sold. CHARACTER SPECS: Gear: full legends minus necklace, all ilvl384 or 400 and all S or SS grade. 3200 attak damage, about 38000 HP and 3000/3000 defs with Dex circle and food buffs. I have the super rare gears Pvp gear: half legends. 6/6 Ironblood, 5/6 fishing, 3/4 fierce. Mostly ilvl 116/120 Gems: full lvl40 MoL and full lvl40 HoS. Rest are lvl40 2.5% defensive diamonds. Spare shards and some 50 gems in the warehouse. Glyphs (new): full lvl3 glyphs, 1 lvl4 Sniping glyphs Star Circles: four T7 circles (3 with Eight Layers - Swift, Dex, Flourish), Roar and Motivation both t6. Dex is all 5/5 with all but two SS. Flourish is 5/5 for 7 of 8 aux and mostly SS. Swift is 5/5 for 7 of 8 and all S/SS. Mounts: 34 mounts, including many rare mounts Outfits: All outfits except magic school and Sacred Oath chest (which you or I will probably get from top up soon). Transmog unlocked up to 4th-last outfit. Skills and Runes: all skills are maxed lvl55. All important dps runes are lvl55 plus and a few are lvl60 Character currently has 800 unbound gems and just short of 100 gold although it will fluctuate I’m sure. Quite a few anniversary chests that unlock on July 16 (4 diamond, 15 platinum, 26 gold).
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