Sold MPQ - 13 Champed 5's, 1m ISO, 37595 hp, 2464 cp, 209 roster spots, 1000+ tokens

Discussion in 'Marvel Puzzle Quest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RRC, 6/27/18.

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  1. RRC

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    After 4+ years of daily playing, it's time for me to retire and play other games.

    This account is a top 10 account for anyone willing to time flips, shield hop, etc.
    Also great for casual players as it clears PVE very quickly, and has great PvP ability with all the champed 5's.

    Account is already on a new facebook. page. To take over the account, you put a clean install of MPQ on your device/computer and restore your game from facebook..

    I'm happy to go through Player-up as well if that makes you more comfortable.

    I'm still playing every day until someone else takes over, so the numbers below are all increasing.

    As of June 27:
    Shield level 145, 1340 days played

    Token hoard = 441 standard, 137 elite, 17 heroic, 1 10-pack heroic, 28 latest legendary, 232 taco savory, 254 taco sweet, more than 30 other event tokens

    402k ISO
    34,850 HP
    2162 CP

    I'm rebuilding my legendary hoard for the next set of 3 worth pulling. Used the last stash for Ghost Rider, Jessica and Beared Cap - fully covered Jessica and GR, stopped as Bearded Cap isn't impressive.

    Jean Grey - 463
    Gambit - 460
    Thanos - 459
    Thor - 459
    Black Panther - 457
    Black Bolt - 456
    Doc Strange - 456
    Black Widow - 455
    Daredevil - 455
    OML - 455
    Jessica Jones - 454
    Ghost Rider - 450
    Silver Surfer - 450
    Iron Man - 420 (4/2/5)
    Star-Lord - 315 (3/2/0)
    Hawkeye - 280 (2/4/1)
    Captain America (First) - 255 (5/3/3)
    Doc Octopus - 255 (3/4/4)
    Spider-Man (Black) - 255 (5/3/1)
    Captain America (Infinity) - 255 (2/5/2)
    Green Goblin - 255 (4/4/0)
    Hulk - 255 (1/2/3)
    Spider-Man (Parker) - 255 (2/2/1)
    Archangel - 255 (0/1/0)
    Okoye - none

    All 4's champed except newest ones
    Black Widow (infinity) 3/3/3
    Spider Man (infinity) 2/2/1
    Wiccan 1/2/2

    All 3's champed at least once, some multiple times
    44 maxed at 266 - holding for future benefits to selling maxed 3's
    Have duplicates of all maxed 3's

    Usual cycling of 2's

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  2. OP

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    Now that I've decided to sell, I'm tired of playing. I've dropped my price by 33%, down to $300 to sell quickly.

    I've been maintaining top50 in PvE and getting to at least 575 points in PvP, but someone dedicated could be doing so much more. Thus I've dropped my price substantially to let my account get to a more dedicated player.

    Here's the updated resources (which would cost thousands of dollars if you were to buy those resources in game).

    1,007,442 ISO
    37,595 HP
    2,464 cp

    32 latest legendary tokens

    5's haven't changed except for Wasp 5* is 1/1/0

    Whoever takes over this account will need to decide what to do with the token hoard for latest legendaries once Jessica leaves and Wasp enters. With the upcoming Gambit nerf, I've been tempted to dump looking for Okoye, but I have 9 IW Cap, so it makes more sense to wait until IW Cap leaves, build up the hoard, and dump when it's Okoye, Wasp and whoever the next 5 is. But that decision will be left to whoever takes over.

    Account roster picture is here.
    IMG 6901 —


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  3. CameronRook123

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    If available I’m interested
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