Sold [H] XD RNG playthrough [W]Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/alienowitch, 7/2/18.

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  1. /u/alienowitch

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    Hello !!

    I'm getting ready for another Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness playthrough. There are tons of exclusive purification moves which can't be gotten otherwise. I'd gladly do whole playthrough and do most of shadow Pokemons RNG for a one price, but I can do only few for smaller donations. Would there be interest in such a exchange ?? RNG would be done on emulator, and monsters traded to Emerald emu save game then to retail. Using:

    -Dolphin emulator with joybus connection -XD GoD

    -VBA M-WX: Emerald

    -R4 card

    Note: XD Pokemons can't be shiny and spreads are somewhat limited. Otherwise everything can be customised: Nature, ball, nickname and good IV

    Please write me up if you're interested ;)


    # #/alienowitch
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