Sold [H] JPN Lugia code, PAL Celebi code, some Event [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Nluck7, 7/1/18.

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  1. /u/Nluck7

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    2 JPN Lugia code - $8 / each code ( only on JPN console )

    1 PAL Celebi code - $ 8 / each code ( only on PAL console )


    KOR Alola set

    I discuss with someone here. My friend has KOR console and games. I let my friend redeem KOR Alola set, but DracoRiff and I don't finish any trade finally.

    Video proof. (DracoRiff and my name)

    No JKSM for KOR Alola set and Event redeem on stock KOR console.

    Set 1 ( June 29, Language: KOR ) - $20

    Vulpix: Timid

    Diglett: Adamant

    Grimer: Careful

    Sandshrew: Jolly

    Set 2 ( June 30, Language: KOR ) - $20

    Vulpix: Modest

    Diglett: Adamant

    Grimer: Brave

    Sandshrew: Adamant

    Gen5 Dream world pokemon

    I have some Eevee in my game, here. If I catch it, its OT:サトシ / ID:50077. (the same as my trainer card)

    You can choose ball, nature, date. (Language is JPN)

    Proof: my trainer card and pokemon state info.

    I don't know how to value it. If you're interested, please suggest. I will think about it.


    My Reference

    # #/Nluck7
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