Sold Elementalist - Shemaa (Laverlan Lake Server) REPPLY WITH ANY OFFER

Discussion in 'Crusaders of Light Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vitorbk, 6/23/18.

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  1. vitorbk

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    Price $:
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    10 mounts total 6 back pendants full magic school outfit stashine weapon and sacred oath hat and almost 4 transmog sets and mount riding 20% skill book

    hunts: wrathclaw 4/18, salin 7/18, grimwol 8/15, aeroch 3/18, bloodhoof 2/18, bulu 5/15, chopblade 3/18, hellclaw 4/18, deathfang 7/15, klodar 5/15, all coldburst maxed out except kalador 10/15, khumba 10/18, leon 18/18, bellicostro 10/18, moo 10/18, flash 10/18, eschar 15/15, rose 15/15, osman 7/15 pvp hunts were not made on this acc

    achievements divine 3 with 9835/10000 among those server 1st handy hammer heroic mini clear and windrush pyro gyro server 1st elementalist to down impossible and hellish/pinnacle tribe lords

    hp 29,836 / 267-vit/ 441-int/ 339-spirit defense:2384 crit resist: 21% parry: 21% dodge: 31%
    spell damage: 2032-2221 spell defense: 2564 magic crit: 46% magic acc: 127% magic pen: 24% evade: 32%

    10 legendary gear using and 2 in wharehouse due to lack of upgrades

    2 grade 400
    3 grade 368 those 10 gear are set only not included with treasure S grade 120
    3 grade 384
    2 grade 272 6 S gear 2 SS and 2 A gear

    sets 3 wild missile 3 blood thrist 3 beacon 3 firebomb 2 dragon breath and 2 sword dancer's sets also can be swaped with pre id gear

    Star Circle

    roar II-4
    swiftness V-17 aux star i max lvl 4 star ii max lvl 4 star iii max lvl 4 star iv 56% lvl 3 star V and VI 70%+ lvl 3
    dexterity IV-33 aux star i max lvl 3 star ii lvl 5 star iii max lvl 4 star IV lvl 5
    flourish II-1
    mystic IV-11
    motivation II-0 all circles with not quoted aux star are max lvl 2

    plat skill and cooking skills max lvl path lvl 76 and path tree lvl 74[​IMG] [​IMG]
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    #2 vitorbk, 7/29/18
    Last edited: 7/26/18
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