1. Date Dispute Happened Example: June 18, 2018 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value $89.57 ( Account Price $75 + Protection for 2 years totaling for $11.96 + Handling Fee of $2.61 ) 4. Other Parties Username Omdogy 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment Middleman aka Safecharge Digital Limited 6. Other Parties Email Addresses NONE as it was done via This Website's MiddleMan 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address NONE as it was done via This Website's MiddleMan 8. Other Parties Messenger Username Discord: Mock#3447 Discord Server: Discord Facebook.: Milton Robey | Facebook. Spotify: Milton Robey Skype: Omdogy 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below 2018 06 11 6 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 1 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 2 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 3 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 4 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 5 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 6 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 7 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 8 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 9 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 10 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 11 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 12 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 13 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 14 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 15 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 16 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 17 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 18 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 19 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 20 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 21 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 22 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 23 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 24 — imgbb.com 2018 06 18 — imgbb.com 3fb47796 3539 4749 b52f 037262a7149e — imgbb.com 8a0ebd01 004e 4a01 87c7 8f8ad48c1f6e — imgbb.com 9192715e dc62 44a4 b56a d97733164e0f — imgbb.com 35089290 784415881946481 234644504445976576 n — imgbb.com Warface - Recalled by Seller ~~ Dispute Against Omdogy IRL: Milton Robey
Yup... he has been missing from here.. not so sure on discord.. just msg his guild leader and the officers >,> anyhow due to me purchasing the protection.. by any chance do you know how I start that process ??
They sure take a while to reply now a days.. should i just start a chat with middleman as per user Guide? Or wait 4 more days
If your ordered insurance, then you're 100% protected in terms of financial reimbursement for what you paid BUT there is no guarantee we can get the account back as you know insurance covers financial losses but can't necessarily replace your item (car/house/etc). Have you reached out to the seller regarding this? If so, what did you say?
Well I posted all the proof on the top. He basically blocked me and hasn't said anything. also his clan leader says he hasn't seen him either ._. btw is there away to ask the publisher to ban the account aswell. cause that bastard waited for me to waste money on it lol xD
Alright so its been almost a month, still no reply from @Omdogy nor his clan mates. How do I start filing for the insurance?? @Middleman
So I messaged @Hulk 2 weeks ago (saw that he was online yesterday) and still no response.. how do I initiate the damn Buyer Protection Refund? Do I need to go via paypal and pull the money?? P.S. @Omdogy still hasn't replied and still has no interest to answer for his shady crap he pulled.
@Middleman @Admin @Hulk Still haven't heard from any of you.. also its been a Month and non of you are answering now @Ryan Any Idea what i can Do Ryan? Should I just go ahead and pull the money and get the Payment handler involved? seams they(playerup) are doing what @Omdogy Was doing .___.
Middleman took the hit and loss on this transaction and used available funds to compensate the buyer for their loss. We apologize for the delay on updating this ticket sooner but we've been backed up on properly responding to all tickets and our intentions. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for the trouble you experienced.