1. Date Dispute Happened june,21st,2018 2. I'm the Buyer 3 $154 USD 4. Eljer, middleman 5.PayPal 6. I do not know sellers email. Have not gotten that far. 7. [email protected] 8. Other Parties Messenger Username eljer 9. 3 days ago I bought an account for 150, the payment screen failed to load after i clicked pay, so i contacted support. It went through, and I sent in 2 forms of Id for verification. I have opened a 2 way conversation with my middleman, but have not gotten any other word so far. I would like a refund because I do not know whats going to happen as I have contacted support every day and still gotten no response, except for a # telling me I will get a response shortly All they did after I contacted support 3 times was mark me as high risk... I just want my money back
Your order is pending verification still. As soon as it's complete, you can put in the request to cancel.