Sold [H] 2018 VGC Krooks | [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/V1C1OU5LY, 6/22/18.

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  1. /u/V1C1OU5LY

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    Looks like I will be going to Columbus for the Krookodile event, likely on the first day.

    I am asking $30 per redeem, which includes:

    • all fees
    • video proof (with my username and yours)
    • custom date (please specify)
    • custom proof (please specify)
    • custom language tag (please specify)

    I will be using my a combination of different consoles and carts, but they are all stock. I don't use any kind of CFW or whatever, so none of my 'mons require disclosure when trading. I cannot accept save files so please do not ask.

    Hope to see a few of you there!



    # #/V1C1OU5LY
    # .
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