Selling  High End  Android and iOS Selling Lvl 113 TAC(The Alchemist Code) account fully equipped with gacha favorites.

Discussion in 'The Alchemist Code Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cyro, 6/19/18.

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  1. Cyro

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    -Logi 85/85
    -Almira 85/85
    -Peridot 80/85
    -Gilgamesh 65/85
    -Fate Yomi Rider- 70/85
    -Forcas (POTK)- 75/85 All Classes mastered + Unique weapon
    -Zeke 76/85
    -Lofia 79/85
    -Magnus 75/85
    -Kanon 75/85
    -Michael 85/85
    -Zangetsu 78/85
    -Masamune 78/85
    -Dias 77/85
    -Vettel 77/85
    -Lucian 73/85
    -Reida- 73/85
    -Reagan 70/85
    -Cita 68/85
    -Hazel 65/85
    -Laevateinn (POTK) 65/85
    -Yauras 60/85
    -Mozein 60/85
    -Suzuka 72/85
    -Shayna 65/85
    -Vargas 81/85 he's love you btw
    -Teona 60/85
    -Lucretia 65/85
    -Mei Fang 60/85
    -Fung Lui 68/85
    -Aruba 65/85
    -Albea 60/85
    -Shekinah (POTK) 61/85
    -Lupinus 60/85
    -Vincent 68/85
    -Fraise 65/85
    -Balt 61/85
    -Zahar 67/85
    -Polin 68/85
    -Chloe 67/85 with unique weapon
    -Yomi (Regular Degular) 66/85
    -Edgar 79/85
    -Rahu 71/85
    -Milis- 77/85
    -Anastasia 70/85
    -Lisbeth 61/85
    Other gatchas include Neica, Glanz, Cadanova, Rosa, Victor, Carol, etc. but I didn't touch them or raise their levels.
    Equipment include a love you ton of 4 star 5 star, and 3 star equips. I have 2x Alkemono Mascots. The Mystical Egg from easter event. Battlefield Drama tome from POTK event and many other event based gatcha equips.
    Also have 40 Dark shards, 40 fire Shards, and alot of other character enhancements.
    The account will keep up with the meta and is by far loaded with all tools you need if you want to pick this game up. I no longer have the time to play it so I would rather someone take what I have been building up instead of deleting it. The account is linked to a Facebook. that I made for a dummy roll when the game first launched because my main Facebook. account I saved a horrible roll.

    #1 Cyro, 6/19/18
    Last edited: 6/19/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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