Sold [USA] [H] Monster Hunter psp, Psp lot, GB Micro, PSP go, Yarn Yoshi, SNES/PC controllers,...

Discussion in 'Monster Hunter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/EVM25, 6/14/18.

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  1. /u/EVM25

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    Pokemon Distribution Cart DS $75

    Gba micro with Pokemon FireRed $80

    PC/SNES Controllers $30 for both

    Yarn Yoshi NIB $15

    Ags 101 broken shell, working condition, no charger $75

    Groudon Gba sp with copy of EU Ruby $150

    ags 101 reshelled with glass screen $75

    ags 101 reshelled with glass screen $75

    psp 1001 $40

    God of war ps4 $40

    DQ Builders ps4 $25

    pokemon XD, rough manual $33

    digimon world lot, only 1 has original case and rough manual. rest is loose disc with custom cases $60

    Wii wrist straps, nintendo club $15

    Monster Hunter PSP, Monster Hunter Portable RD, CIB screen cover plus games (seems i reached my upload limit for imgur. will upload pics of psp at a later time $220 for psp and games

    Due to me being # on prices, shipping may or may not be included. Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks for your interest.

    # #/EVM25
    . .
    #1 /u/EVM25, 6/14/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
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