Selling  Stage 60+ Stage 60/30, 190 day old,2683+ packs opened, 319+ UR cards,12.5k+ gems, most # optimized decks

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by chucuyo, 6/14/18.

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  1. chucuyo

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    I have been playing this game for nearly 200 days. Have gotten King of Games since the first season I played. Have played hours on end, daily since day 1. Have unlocked all the characters, done absolutely all of the events, got every single gem out of every event possible.

    Here is a video showcasing the massive quantity of UR and SR cards that the account has. Notice the 3 copies of most staple cards, such as sphere kuriboh, floodgate trap hole, ties of the brethren, cosmic cyclone, wall of disruption, among others:

    stage 60 Duel world, stage 30 GX
    Relevant # decks available (completely optimized builds)
    spellbooks, amazoness, archfiends, geargias

    examples of other older completely optimized deck builds:
    aliens, sea stealth attack, cyber angels (3x saffira and senju), hazy flame with fire fist cards, gladiator beasts

    Price: $150 USD, Paypal gift only
    Packs opened: 2683
    Total # of UR cards (up to 3rd copy each): 319
    Gems in inventory and gift box: 12.509
    Gold: 3.273.154
    R Jewel: 7219
    SR Jewel: 345
    UR Jewel: 82
    Stones of Light, Darkness, Water, Flame, Earth, Wind, Spell, Trap: 4941, 4637, 5386, 5046, 5919, 5418, 6108, 6475

    Gate Keys (normal, white, black, blue, red, yellow, green): 99665, 13393, 9298, 12374, 12109, 13850, 11263
    Duel Orbs: 4

    Character levels:
    Yugi - 41
    Seto - 39
    Joey - 40
    Mai - 45
    Tea - 39
    Yugi Muto - 36
    Rex - 39
    Weevil - 34
    Mako - 40
    Yami Marik - 39
    Yami Bakura - 41
    Bandit Keith - 38
    Ishizu - 39
    Odion - 39
    Pegadus - 39
    Mokuba - 39
    Paradox Bros - 39
    Arkana - 39
    Bonz - 39
    Jaden - 45
    Aster Phoenix - 34
    Jesse - 41
    Chazz - 39
    Alexis - 39
    Crowler - 39
    Bastion - 34
    Syrus - 39
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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