Lvl 51 com t4 base 60M proffesional bait base , 70k dimes inside accountvip 2 and a great commander

Discussion in 'Invasion Modern Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yawar Ali, 6/8/18.

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  1. Yawar Ali

    Yawar Ali
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    It has 70k dimes saved and 200 days speed uos saved with nasty 230% attack and 150 def with 130% health and t4 unlocked , its a 60m proffesional bait base and has dines worth 200$.It is available with two farms im goverment guild and can survive a t4 hit from a 400 - 600M guy without com on opponent side.has enough speeds to boost over 150M power with strong researc.h
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