Sold [H] VBUCKS FOR 80% [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Fortnite V-Bucks for Sale - FN Buy & Sell V Bucks' started by /u/thepoptag, 6/4/18.

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  1. /u/thepoptag

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    I will add vbucks to your Fortnite account. (Note: I will need access to your Epic Games Account)


    1. 1000 V-Bucks - $8
    2. 2800 V-Bucks - $20.00

    PM me for custom amounts!

    Requirements:For this to be done your account can not have been played on PS4. If you have used your account on PS4 then I can't do it!

    PM for proof/rep! I don't use illegal methods or fake cards!
    # #/thepoptag
    # .
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