I will add 15 000+ Youtube views with Super fast Speed. Your work will be completed within 24 to 48 hrs. Features: Fully Safe and Fast High Retention Will never get Banned 100% Penguin and Panda safe 24/7 Customer Support 100% Safe & reliable => Permanent and No Drop, => Manually Given => No Software, or Boot => 24 Hours Fast Delivery => 100% Satisfaction => Fastest service Important Note : This service is Of 15 000+ Views . We ALways deliver extra views.. So Views i had Mention. This views will super boost your video ranking and increase you reputation on youtube.
Do you have Discord or something like that? because i bought me Credits and gave it to the Middleman/and you? And now i doesn´t know the next step, btw i just gave you 12 Credits ._. i thought it was 12$ Yesterday? sorry
No, I mean the Middleman 3rd Conversation. I started it for like 2 Days - and there was no way I could paste a YT Link in there