Selling  Lvl 99 #ftp (nice cards)

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by logan4ik, 5/29/18.

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  1. logan4ik

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    Server: US/Android
    Level: 97
    Gems: 63597
    Gold: 400000k+
    Tournament Points: 185000+
    Momoya points: 686
    Lucky Points: 2665
    Vile Songstress lvl 4 - protection 9/Divine shield/Full Alert 9
    Armageddon lvl 2 - protection 8/Deathless 8/Cull 9
    Judgment lvl 4
    Hydra lvl 2
    Odin lvl 1

    Cards 5*
    Octavius (45% recycle 2), Hanzo (CONCEALED STRIKE RUNE lvl 8 )Dahlia, Capricorn x2, Drone (revive +immunity rune lvl 5), Drone (recycle 2), Cosmic Hare, Flare summoner, Paragon (75% immun 9), Paragon, Queen Temptress (retreat), Granite Dragon x2, Anthema (100% Fa), Sacred Wold, Titania (BB 8), titania x3, Nidhogg (fa 5), Ash Beast (60% Frost blade), Cancer, Angel prime x2, Dragonlordm Pit dragon x5, Kirtana, Fae Firstborn, Belphegor, Azure Dragon, Phantom liege x3, Scorpio, Snow Harlot, Sea wizard, Death`s angel, Killer queen. Other 5* cards like hanuman gorgons sirens etc.
    Cards 4* (melded) Twins (fa), Twins (sacrifice 8), Michael (bb8), Harbringer (recycle 1), Graboid (sacrifice 8), Hornet beasts x3 (recycle 1), Orace x3 (fa) Queen Temptress (retreat), other unmelded...
    other cards in screens

    Blue lvl 5 LORD Boots
    Blue lvl 5 NOBLE LORD Helmet (skill 40chance to increase all dmg to a random enemy by 50%)
    Gold lvl 4 Gloves
    Purple lvl 5 Belt
    Gold lvl 4 sword
    Purple lvl 5 LORD armor

    Runes 5* Consealed strike lvl 8 for Hanzo, immunity x2, Vitality x5, Sacrifice x4, Hero Vigor x3, Initial rage x2, Rebirth.
    5* lvl15 Skill essence

    Lot of Heros shards, lot of creature shards, omni shards, 3 artifacts, 52 sparks, some lord gear crafting materials.

    More info in screens.
    Fell free to make an reasonable offer
    LineId logan4ik
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  2. PlayerUp

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