Sold SWToR account, Darth Malgus, Legendary, 8 lvl 70 characters, fully unlocked Strongholds

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jiallombardo, 5/24/18.

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  1. Jiallombardo

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    I am the original owner of an account with 8 characters (Republic and Empire), all lvl 70, the account has legendary status (e.g. all the characters have completed story), the characters are also geared with 230+ gear and have multiple unlocked outfits.

    I have the following characters:
    - Sith Juggernaut, lvl 70, Clvl 300, gear lvl 248 (tanking gear), has 600 in Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting
    - Sniper, lvl 70, Clvl 300, gear lvl 243, has 600 in Biochem, Bioanalysis and Diplomacy
    - Sith Sorcerer, lvl 70, clvl 300, gear lvl 243, has 600 in Synthweaving, Slicing and Underworld Trading
    - Mercenary, lvl 70, clvl 228, gear lvl 239
    - Vanguard, lvl 70, clvl 300, gear lvl 242 (tanking gear), has 600 in Cybertech, Scavenging and Underworld Trading
    - Jedi Shadow, lvl 70, clvl 83, gear lvl 230 (tanking gear), has 600 in Armormech and Scavenging
    - Scoundrel, lvl 70, clvl 80, gear lvl 233, has 600 in Armstech and Investigation
    - Jedi Sentinel, lvl 70, clvl 21, gear lvl 233

    I have the following fully unlocked strongholds (prestige level 72806):
    - Dromund Kaas
    - Coruscant
    - Nar Shaddaa
    - Manaan
    - Tatooine
    - Yavin 4
    - Umbara

    All account-wide legacy perks (races, companion perks, "other" perks) are unlocked. HK-51 is unlocked legacy-wide, but not for all characters, same with Treek. Also have Darth Hexid, Nico Okarr and Shae Vizla for all characters.

    Money: 42mil in legacy bank, about 500k - 2mil on each character, 3005 Cartel coins (currently 2505, will get +500 soon for re-subbing)

    I resubbed for 1 month today, so that's a bonus as well. Additional available account-wide unlocks are:
    - Legacy title & title display
    - Artifact equipment unlock
    - Togruta unlock
    - Additional quickbars
    - 5 legacy cargo bay unlocks
    - 2 GTN trade slot unlocks
    - 2 Outlander character tokens

    In stash I have a sizeable amount of crafting resources, gifts, alliance crates and event-specific items (rakghoul DNA canisters, bounty contracts, Gree data samples etc), as well as 5k+ unassembled components, 80+ encrypted memory cores. Higher-level characters have ~1k+ command points in stash.

    For any additional details, please don't hesitate to ask, I can share screenshots etc. I am also opened to bargaining.
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