Selling VIP 7 gamefuse castle of bones account

Discussion in 'Rise of Mythos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DrDankk, 5/22/18.

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  1. DrDankk

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    selling my vip8 gamefuse account! ive spent a lot of time playing this account thats why price is so high. i havent spent anymore money on it in a while and been playing ftp grinding.. but im looking for a better account. so yes i am up for trades as well. either contact me on here or on my email [email protected]

    Awakens- templar, fencing master, pegasus champion, tengu bloodseeker, skystone nid, the world, diabolos.

    Godlikes- messenger fate, nullifier.. also have a extra leg null as well, soneto, moon witch, moonlight bunny, gingerbread gress. a few more godlikes but these are main ones

    Important legs- another gress, ruiko ibuki, mei shinonome, glaring nina, nullifer.

    account has 5 fire rubies. so can definitely get this acc started by making godlike mei and much more.. there is 5k rubies saved up for the 26th of may when steema event comes so you can get steema. or if no one buys by then steema will be on account.

    Account is ranger.. but can be played mage.. has a godlike scorch and petrify.. other ranger cards are all leg and the usual true shots and prems.

    has 1 staged bronze horse.. rebound saddle 9/10. please contact me on here or at [email protected] for pics or for offer or for a offer trade. ty

    i can send photos to emails . my deck gets to 1300-1400 each season. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #1 DrDankk, 5/23/18
    Last edited: 5/22/18
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