Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Worlds Accounts | Buy AQW Accounts' started by James Paul, 5/19/18.

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  1. James Paul

    James Paul
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    Hi Guys! Im Selling my aqw for funds for college. 1st off I would like to answer your questions and questions I am asked alot.

    1. Why should you trust me? Ok. I just want good business I have experience selling my old gaming accounts and I assure you that I am here for good purpose.

    2. Why would you like my account? Well 1st off It still has membership until 2020 so no hassle of buying anysoon 2nd off I had spend alot of acs in my account Where I have 200k + overall and I have the silver leopard as proof. 3rd it has good classes mostly rare. See pics. I am happy to feauture GREAT THIEF CLASS, VHL CLASS, AND ROYAL VAMPIRE LORD CLASS. I have lots of rare classes to like vindy and abyssal angel but most rare classes is in bank and I have not bothered to show because my bank items are a lot and I really say alot because tons of rares are there.

    3. What good items I have? Ok 1st off I am proud to feature Necrotic Sword of Doom (NSOD). and as nsod goes ofcourse I Have Sepulchures Doomknight armor (SDKA) . I also have "ALL JUGGERNAUT ITEMS OF nulgath" . Lots of rare cybermonday items also. Next is DRAGONBLADE OF NULGATH. So the list is getting long so i'll just say for short that I have all farmable items ingame until the March release.

    4. Now why would I Sell this powerful and dominant acc? 2 things. Im not a kid anymore and I am going to college Im grownup and my gametime is now studytime.

    5. Did i bot this account? No. I really loved this game. I have developed good qualities as a person by playing this game. Such as patience, perseverance good will and a good zeal. Because I have set my mind that if i want this item i have to work hard for it no shortcuts. Now ofcourse i havent gotten it alone. Ofcourse i have a lvl 20 alt to glitch rooms and sometimes play with my friends farming for stuff but this I tell you I ABSOLUTELY DONT USE bots and I am disgusted of it because its like a shortcut and when people use it theres no essence in playing and getting good values within the game anymore

    6. How old is this acc?
    Its been here since 2010 so just wait until november for 8 years played and then you will unlock nostalgia quest. It breaks my heart that i cant experience nostalgia but nonetheless Im grownup now and i am having a serious decision here.

    7. Ok. How much?
    I have reason to believe that this account is really valuable and it really is. I have spent a whooping amount of 800$. And i have played countless hours playing for it so I believe that it is very valuable so I set the price for 400$

    8.Can I bargain?
    Absolutely #! Just contact me and we will talk about it

    9. Whats the process?
    We will talk about it. If you are a scammer believe me u cant because I am smart enough for trouble.

    10. How can I get to you/Contact.
    You can hit me on discord
    James Paul#3431
    Skype: James Paul
    Email: [email protected]
    I typically reply within 10-30 mins

    Pictures: click the links

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