Selling   Global (selling my acc for 60$ last price)

Discussion in 'Chain Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Meepo, 5/13/18.

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  1. Meepo

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    ok im selling it for the last price above cuz i want to quit and there are lots of thing i need to do i have lubu seimei soulless 3 anon king queen are max and the rook is for trancend 8 hero max awaken in total currently in gold1 potential is plat2 cuz im lazy in arena just doing revenge . My seimie skills is max lubu is halfway to max skills mu nexon is lvl 21 my knight buff is lvl6 crit damge
    message me for pictures and question
    Gmail: [email protected]
    Fb: Lyka Po | Facebook.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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