lvl 334 160m medals 3.6B atk power 650m def power/short base 7k healing/8-9k armor-gunpowder-def hammers/a lot of extra spells/resist spells 100-600 arround 1500 days speeds on account 1900 energy/2650 inner 12k tower atk/hp / 11.5k dragon atk/hp all castle dragons unlocked/ fomhar/aibrean/destar/corthanak/estril top dragons all springveil season claimed dragons/riders 35k pearls/180k elemental embers/200k arround fire ice shards 600k tokens/599 frags on account a lot of good runes (mythic/legendary) - 28m dust wind gear legendary almost expert/5 dark parts legendary/3 earth parts/veteran fire gear from season set 3.85m fire/3.05m ice/3.5m earth/1.52m dark/2.22m wind shards on account all riders/primarch got glory to expert/sorc 40 lvl/hunter 43 lvl/warrior 26 lvl/defender 34 lvl rusher lvl 4/taunter lvl 1/destroyer lvl 15/sieger lvl 10 65k atlas troops researches 50% of gold/plat done message me on line ggqqbb for photos or more.
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