Sell long account FFRK , Here Best soul break Contact me Pm or Facebook. : Andaniel Banyen FF Tyro - Sentinel's Grimoire [Un] - Keeper's Tome [Master record spheres] FF1 Warrior of light - Shining Saber [OS] [Master record spheres] Echo - Echo's Prize ------ FF2 Firion - Weaponsmaster Leon - Dark Knight Charge ----- FF3 Luneth - Eternal Wind - Heavenly gust [OS] [1/2 record spheres] Descth - Ancient Lightning Onion Knight - Forbidden Power [Ul] - Onion Slice [Su] [Master record spheres] ----- FF4 Cecil - Arc of light [OS] - Paladin force [1/2 record spheres] Edge - Seething Waters [Master record spheres] Ceodore - Holy Cross Ursula - Back Unbent [Materia] ------ FF5 Bartz - Chosen Traveler [Ul] Lenna - Phoenix of Tycoon Galuf - Martial Might [Ul] - Sweet Sorrow Gilgamesh - Strange Bedfrllow [OS] Krille - Tomorrow's Promise ------ FF6 Terra - Scorching Flames [OS] Locke - On the hunt Sabin - Ragging Fist [Ul] ------ FF7 Cloud - Finishing Touch [OS] - Cloud Cycle - Fenrir Overdrive [Master record spheres] Aerith - Hidden Bloom [Ul] [Master record spheres] RedXIII - Mighty Warrior [Ul] Cait sith - Lucky Girl Vincent - Lucrecua's Lament [Ul] - Galian Beast Zack - Lucky star [Chain] Sephiroth - Heaven's Light [OS] Cid - Pilot's Steel [Su] Reno - Turk Triad ------ FF8 Squall - Sub zero blast [OS] [Master record spheres] Zell - Fiery Meteor Barret Edea - Maelstrom --------- FF9 Zidane - Grand Lethal [Ul] - Solution 9 [B][Master record spheres] Beatrix - Rose Finale [Ul] - Seiken Thunder Slash [B] Amarant - Fists of Flame [B] Kuja - Force Symphony [B] --------- FF10 Tidus - A Fleeting Dream [Chain] Yuna - Song for Spira [Ul] - Tenets of the Fayth [B] - Trigger Happy [B] Auron - Tornado [B] Saymour - Oblivion [Chain] - Anima's Pain [B] --------- F11 Shantotto - Frightrnting Lightning [Chain] - Play Rough [B] Ayame - Ancestral Blade [OS] Aphmau - Overdrive [Ul] --------- F12 Vaan - Blood red Spiral [OS] - Cruelest Azure [Ul] Balthier - S85 Cyclotrone [OS] Ashe - Dusk's Decree [B] Gabranth - Innocence [B] Reks - Whitefall [B] -------- F13 Lighting - Thunderfall [OV] - Army of One [Ul] Snow - Here we go [B] Vanlille - Trancendent Dream [B] [Master record spheres] Sazh - Gifted Pilot [Ul] - Choco Chick Blues [B] [1/2 record spheres] Fang - Magaflare [B] - Raging Whirlwind [B] Serah - Etro Arrow [Ul] Noel - Meteor Javelin [B] Nabaat - Sacrifice Pawn [B] -------- F14 Y'shtola - Stoneskin II [Un] - Asylum [B] - Goddess's Mercy [Ul] Thancred - Kassatsu Katon [B] Y'da - Forbidden Chaka[ B] Papalymo - Ley lines [Su] Alphinaud - Aerial blast [B] Minfilia - Blessing o f light [Su] -------- F15 Noctis - Armiger [OS] - Kings of Old [B] - Gladiolus Link [Su] ------- F16 Ramza - Shout [Su] - Chant [Su] - Unsung Hero [B] Delita - Hero king [B] Ovelia - Divine Dispelna [Ul] Orlandeau - Sword Saint [Ul] [Master record spheres ------- FF0 ARC - Jackpot Triad [Ul] [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
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