Sold Looking For An Account !

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/shooter8223, 5/1/18.

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  1. /u/shooter8223

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    Recently, my iPhone 6 had a hardware malfunction and I lost my sister's Love Live! account that sure had given me. We sent Klab an email to the retrieve it, but they could not confirm our identity as the account owner. We are unable to provide them with any more details, so I have decided to try find a new account.

    Here's what I'm looking for: At least 2 UR (preferred idolized, but don't have to be) At least 4-6 SR of each type A good amount of farmable N's and R's

    I'm not asking for much, just enough to actually be able to do expert and Master songs!!

    (I would also appreciate if there was ANY idolized Hanayo SR and up. She's my baby lol)

    Anyway, I do have an account to exchange for if you want it.

    # #/shooter8223
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