Account started one month into the Beta. The account is in a decently competitive Beta Shard, I can take top 200 every day, but with a little more time/effort invested, you wouldn't have any problem breaking the top 100. I spent a lot of time researching best characters to farm for the various parts of the game, so the account is very efficiently built. The guild I am in can 66% the L50 raids and 33% the highest Thanos tier, but if you're trying to min/max it would be a good idea to look for a stronger guild (which wouldn't be hard to get into with this account - I am willing to do the legwork on this if you desire). Personal Information not included with screenshots. PM me if interested and I will give these screenshots. Account Highlights: - 320k CP (100k Strongest Team) - 55 Characters Unlocked, several others almost unlocked - Top 200 Arena - 1,800 Spare Power Cores (this number is low because I spend 150 per day on energy refreshes - an efficient use of cores) - 5* (130/200) Black Widow - Best Character in the Game - No longer farmable - All Challenge Tiers completed - 200k Gold, 6k Arena Credits, 3k Raid Credits, 3k Blitz Credits - Four 5* SHIELD Characters, with the fifth and sixth at 80/130 for 5* (helps with Iron Man event) - Many high and low-level gear banked and ready to be equipped as needed (screenshots demonstrate this) - Most L50 Raid nodes can be auto-ed (except for the hardest boss nodes) Details: - Arena Payout is 6PM EST (10PM GMT), Timezone is US East The currencies are low because I have re-invested them to make my teams stronger (and increase rate of growth) whenever possible; however, if you are interested in buying, I can adopt any spending strategies you wish between now and completion of account transfer. I will be daily maintaining this account as normal until I get a buyer. Please reach out to me via PMs for more information or additional screenshots! Discord: Bendak#4582 Imgur: The magic of the Internet
THIS ITEM HAS SOLD This is a confirmation that a buyer has paid for this listing. What is the next step? 1). A startup ticket has already been opened with @Middleman and the buyer. @Middleman is now verifying the buyers payment. 2). Upon verifying the buyers payment, @Middleman will activate the buyers private conversation, sellers private conversation ticket, and buyers/sellers 3 way conversation ticket. 3). No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket with @Middleman, the buyer, and the seller included in the ticket. If you have any questions in the meantime, you may contact us directly here.