I've invested a good chunk of money into this game, roughly 350sh dollars, and its now time I stop playing and move on so I'm selling my account. Just to give you a general overview: I'm VIP 6 about to be 7. (About 2000 crystals away) Shield level 60. 12 tier two characters (Including Dr. Strange, Thanos and Dormammu as well as a few paywalls like carnage, Hyperion, and Enchantress.) This may seem like a little, but I have a substantial amount of resources to unlock almost any Black order Character, etc. Just never got around to it. Saved up, I have roughly 3000 Nord Stones, 4300 BAM, 23000 Debris as well as roughly 3500 Bios for ranking up characters. On my account, I have over 12,000 crystals, over 12,000 clear tickets, numerous basic rank up tickets, a mega-rank up ticket, and two mega-rank up master tickets, 4 teir 2 tickets, more than 34 uniforms, over 8,000 lightning health to complete missions, pretty good comic cards, and 70 million coins. My asking price is 150 dollars firm. . Feel free to contact me if your interested, I'll send photos as proof in case your skeptical.
yeah, it is facebook. linked and ill be giving that away since I pretty much made a dummy facebook. account to link to it. It also linked to an email that ill be giving, also a dummy one.
Can we get some photos i saw some tier two you mentioned but was wondering if you got peeps like nova, blue marvel, anti man as well. Also looks like other seller not responding to my bought ill be purchasing urs if that falls through froms looks of it it will.
I dont have an account hence why im interested getting one. Also photos reveals certain things that regular viewing wont show. It being banned? Possible discrepancy and problems.
hey Tristan if u looking for a decent account lets contact i have a great one if u have line write it down i will text you
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