Sold 「Asia」Lv.71 Full Throttle Joke Account Xd

Discussion in 'Kings Raid Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yoel Susanto, 4/19/18.

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  1. Yoel Susanto

    Yoel Susanto
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    have you seen this video?
    yep im selling that motherfucking account
    well there is a little more update after that but ill just skim to the detail

    T5 Heroes
    - Cleo | ☆1
    - Epis | ☆2
    - Loraine | ☆1
    - Rodina | ☆1 (also dat boobs)
    - Laias | ☆1
    - Annete | ☆0
    - Mediana | ☆0

    T4 Heroes
    - Phillops

    T3 Heroes
    - Priscilla | ☆1

    T2 Heroes
    - Kasel | ☆1 (well duh)
    - Scarlet | ☆1
    - Artemia | ☆0

    T1 Heroes
    - Gau
    - Baudouin
    - Jane
    - Mitra
    - Sonia
    - Leo

    the rest are : Fluss | ☆0 (x2), Arch | ☆0, Nyx, Frey, Kaulah, Clause, Roy | ☆0 (x3), Tanya | ☆1, Yanne

    well the rest of detail would be
    - 106k stamina (no i meant 106k literally not stamina potion)
    - 743m gold
    - 28k ruby
    - 10x +1 summon ticket (x17)
    - bunch of artifact
    - max inventory slots
    - ahhh and dat perfect manticore set (damn give it to rodina and pew2 motherfucker)
    - and lot of thing i forgot (coz i leave the game long time ago)

    the goddamned annoying part?
    The email this account using are my ******* main email..

    solution #1. I could give you only the dummy facebook. account that already linked for login

    solution #2. Well vespa said that they can detach the email if i do 3 transaction, but duh i don't want to spend money on this game.. except you would pay extra $50 so i could do 3 transaction (well the account would be yours after that) and vespa said they would detach my mail, and i can transfer the account to your preferred email address..

    Line : +62817293555
    Discord : Yoelzz#0932
    #1 Yoel Susanto, 5/16/18
    Last edited: 4/22/18
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