Sold [Usa-Ga][H] Selling Original Xbox 360 Elite 120Gb + 14 Games [W] Paypal/cash

Discussion in 'Origin Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/dilemmachination, 4/19/18.

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  1. /u/dilemmachination

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    Hey So I am trying to sell my Xbox 360. Mostly for space issues and I don't use it. Everything is in very good condition and I have an album of screen shots here.

    As a bonus I will throw in the USB wireless adapter to the controller so you can use it on your PC if you need it. No issues with the RRoD, and I prefer to bundle the games with the XBox. Mostly because it's easier to prices them at a dollar per game.

    I'm asking 100 + Shipping.

    Thanks have a good day.

    # #/dilemmachination
    . .
    #1 /u/dilemmachination, 4/19/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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