Sold Level 44 Account, Become Instant W C Powerhouse

Discussion in 'War Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by spearchucker, 4/18/18.

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  1. spearchucker

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    Want to be an instant terror in War Commander, without spending many hundreds of hours grinding for resources and working through event-s to acquire the best new units? Here is your chance to buy a ready-made account that will let you play with the very best.

    I am selling my WC Level 44 account. Low account number (6174xx), been playing game for ~6 years with one year away, or I'd be a level 46+. Everything has been done within the rules, I used NO hacks or cheats so no fears of Kixeye banning you for bad practices.

    Base - Level 13 CC (maxed), just upgraded Defense Lab to 21 and have begun upgrading defense platforms. Regular platforms currently are all at lvl 13, I converted all to Armored. Heavy platforms at lvl 6. Walls all maxed. Regular turrets all maxed at 10, Heavy Turrets all have maxed Hunter Missiles (lvl 15) and Rail Launchers (lvl 15).

    Units - I have pretty much all of the good toys, and all are maxed or close to it. Omega Jugg, Omega Titan, Omega Sandstorm, Elite Herald, Elite Blackout. All Heroes (old and new) except Orren (POS unit!). Elite Siege Squadron and Elite Ravagers. Got Sphinx in last even-t, will be level 10 in a couple of days

    Have already built Darkstorm, at level 5 and upgrading. I already have the 40 parts needed to upgrade to Elite.

    Also have 790+ Gold in account at the moment, but that may change as I intend to keep playing until the account is sold

    I have no difficulty completing all Kixeye event-s with little difficulty (and low damage) with my current units, but some of that is due to experience with the game. Someone with plenty of playing time in WC will have no problem doing very well with this account, and even a beginner will do well as they learn the tricks to the game.

    Happy to answer questions or send screenshots of base and units. Contact me directly at [email protected]

    I will sell by PayPal or Zell, both offer good protection for both buyer and seller. If you're a scammer don't waste your time or mine with "creative" payment ideas
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