✔️fortnite Services ✔️#1 Cheapest✔️24/7 Support / 25% Off Tiers! ✔️

Discussion in 'Fortnite Boosting Power Leveling for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Tarvik, 4/15/18.

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  1. Tarvik

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    Hello Player-UP,

    EBBoosting Fortnite Services is a group of people that are dedicated to grow your account, so you can brag to your friends about your new cosmetics, your level, K/D, Total Kills, wins, etc. We will get your account to where you want it to be! We don't have hidden fees, so don't expect to get charged more then what you should. Our motto is: We will do more then what you ask! This motto means we may do a few of your battle pass challenges if you order levels. You never know what extra stuff we'll do!

    We are the #1 Rated Customer Support for Fortnite by our customers. We are also the #1 Cheapest and #1 best at giving no extra fees.

    We have a Price Match Guarantee on our top competitors. Open a ticket on our Discord Server (linked below) for information!


    0 - 10 Levels --> $0.20 / Level
    11 - 25 Levels --> $0.28 / Level
    26 - 50 Levels --> $0.40 / Level
    51 - 75 Levels --> $0.60 / Level
    76 - 90 Levels --> $0.76 / Level
    91 - 100 Levels --> $0.88 / Level


    Challenges - $0.30 per battle pass/daily challenge completed
    [HARD] - $0.40 per Hard Marked Challenge
    Tiers Boosting - Not available. You must buy leveling or challenges for some tiers.


    $0.80/each win


    New! Kills
    Every 5 Kills / $0.20 (This is NOT KD Boosting, it is Total Kills. However, we will also do a bit of leveling and challenges during the order.)
    * This does not mean 5 Kill Games, this is 5 Kills overall.


    There is no extra charge if we win while leveling/tier'ing up your account! :)

    What Makes Us Better then our competition?

    Our team is dedicated to complete your order as quick as possible. Our rule here at Viperfish's Fortnite Boosting is to do more then what you were told to do. Ask for 5 levels? We might just do some daily or battle pass challenges for you along the way! We also have great customer support. If you have an issue, you will be sure to be happy with your response!

    Contact Us!
    Please contact me on discord - Tarvik#4989
    Discord Server - Discord
    *** Terms of Service found in Discord.

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  2. PlayerUp

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