Selling  Average Dh Account Lvl 90 With 90K Gems V-Day Special

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Migizert, 2/13/18.

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  1. Migizert

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    Price $:
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    Server: US/Android
    Level: 90
    Gems: Currently around 30k (Alice Bond and will end with 90k gems; currently at rebate 3/8)
    Gold: 231,197K
    Glory Points: More than 182K (in Card form)
    Energy: 1152/100
    Ore: 47,140
    Tournament Points: 214,026 (waiting to collect 174,620)
    Lucky Points: 13,100

    Heroes (only putting 5 star Heroes):
    Vile Songstress Level 4
    Oceanus Level 5
    Taskmistress Level 3
    Judgement Level 3
    Hydra Level 4
    Odin Level 1

    Hero Shards (only putting 5 star Heroes):
    Druidess 20/100
    Vile Songstress 38/100
    Taskmistress 30/100
    Oceanus 13/100
    Thor 26/100
    Hydra 35/100
    Odin 35/100
    Captivator 51/100
    Armageddon 55/100
    Warlock 74/100
    Judgement 31/100
    Blademaster 39/100
    Overlord 74/100

    Cards (only putting the most relevant and strongest 5 star Creatures):

    Neander: Melded Taurus with Sacrifice 8, Melded Nidhogg w/ Revive, Kitsune, Lava Wyrm, Spider Queen x2, Flare Summoner

    Faen: Lunar Goddess, Blossoms x2, Melded AshBeast w/ FrostBlade 10, Sea Wizard x2, Mimir's Tree x2(almost revive)

    Human: Paragon, Great Mystic, Geomancer x3, Demon Hunter, Azure Dragon, Archdeva, Titania, Mythril Drone, Arcane Sage, Bewitcher

    Mortii: Octavius, Melded Spirit Siren w/ Revive, Death's Angel x2, Snow Harlot, Melded Phantom Liege w/ Immun9, Chiroptera, Revenant, Lilith

    Zodiacs: Melded Taurus with Sacrifice 8 (mentioned above), Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer

    Honorable Mention:
    Melded Horned Beast x2 w/ Recycle 1, Melded Queen Temptress w/ Retreat, Melded Twins w/ Sacrifice 8,

    Creature Shards (5-star Omni Shard + 15; only including shards with more than 30):
    Mimir's Tree 51/50
    Fae Firstborn 53/50
    Abaddon 50/50
    Hippolyta 30/50

    Purple Lvl 4 Champion Hammer Crit Rate + 10.25%, ATK + 42
    Gold Lvl 3 Iron Armor Crit Resist + 8.51%, Skill Potency + 1.21%
    Purple Lvl 5 Thorium Boots Dodge + 13.14%, Crit Resist + 3.45%, Restores 200HP every turn
    Purple Lvl 5 Lord Belt Skill Potency + 14.21%, Crit Rate + 2.02%, Restore 200HP

    Warlord's Band 600/1000

    Guild (I am the only person who plays): Maps 1 to 6 open; rewards available to collect.

    In conclusion, there's so much more to the account so feel free to ask any questions. I only included the main points so I'm sure I missed a lot of the minor details that you might be interested in, so just fire away with your questions/feedback.
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  2. kokorikia

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    do you have line ap?
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  3. jeanktb

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    tienes whatzaap?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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