Make Money Or I'll Eat Your love you (Catchy Title)

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Deeeznuuutz, 4/10/18.

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  1. Deeeznuuutz

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    Im about to sell an ebook that actual gives money. THATS UNHEARD OF. I know the ebooks on this other forum are given a bad rep because most of the methods are garbage however I am selling my own high quality one. I know most sellers are reluctant to give vouches because people will realize that their ebooks are trash but im willing to give out 2. My ebook can get you up to $50 for 10-15 minutes of daily work. Youll make the money back plus more. The catch is it can only be done about 5 times per address but if you have a po box or friends and families house it can be done more. And the visa giftcard takes 5 days - 2 weeks to deliver. Now since most ebooks are given a bad rep I was brainstorming some catchy titles so people would click on my thread. Some were "Guaranteed to make money or I'll eat your love you" or "If you dont make money, ill personally send you #". Any help guys on catchy titles? If u do use yours I'll slide over the ebook
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