Interested in purchasing an account that has a black male cat that has completed the Donald's Dreamland Taskline Requirements ~ Must be willing to transfer email ownership ~ Must be willing to use PlayerUp's middleman service (I'll pay fee) ~ Account must not be permanently muted ~ Taskline should be at least up to Professor Flake's first task (can be further progressed though) ~ Must be either: toonupless, lureless, or trapless, semis allowed as long as it has drop and sound (value would go down to make up for me having to train the missing tracks up though) If your toon meets any of these specifications, value goes up ~ Toonfest 2014 outfit(s) ~ Maxed in Sell ~ Maxed in Cash ~ Maxed in Law ~ Maxed in Boss ~ Top Toons Medal Shirt ~ At least 110 laff ~ At least 120 laff ~ At least 130 laff ~ Rewrites available ~ Maxed jellybean bank ~ Other factors too that can be discussed in private Contact will be discreet, look forward to hearing from you soon. Email: [email protected] Discord: temper#0001