Notable Heroes Reds: Arya (+ATK -HP) Elincia (+SPD -ATK) NY!Camilla (+RES -HP) H!Nowi (+HP -ATK) Sigurd (+SPD -DEF) Exalted Chrom (+SPD -RES) Xander (Neutral) 2x Ike (+DEF -ATK) V!Ike (Neutral) Lucina (+HP -RES) Ryoma (+HP -DEF) 2x Black Knight (Neutral) Tharja (+RES -DEF) Blues: 2x Brave Lucina (+SPD -RES) Azura +1 (+ATK -DEF) Nowi +1 (+SPD -RES) Reinhardt (Neutral) Legendary Epharim (+HP -SPD) W!Robin (+HP -RES) Tana (+HP -DEF) Ninian (+HP -RES) Linde (+HP -RES) Greens: NY!Azura (+DEF -RES) Fallen Robin (M) (+RES -DEF) Hector (+SPD -DEF) B!Ike (+DEF -SPD) 2x Gunnthra (Neutral) Spring Alfonse (+HP -SPD) Spring Camilla +1 (+ATK -HP) Camilla (+ATK -DEF) Summer Tiki (+ATK -SPD) W!Lissa (+RES -DEF) Nino (+SPD -HP) Dorcas (+HP -DEF) Greys: Legendary Robin (F) (+ATK -HP) 3x B!Lyn (+ATK -HP) Bridal Lyn (+RES -ATK) Others: 3x Shiro 2x Takumi 2x Lilina Roy Sakura Rhajat Klein Minerva Titania + more and All past 5* Tempest Trial heroes (except for Clive & Tobin) Barracks/Inventory: PM me if interested. Price is #, I only accept Paypal. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
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