[Selling] End Game Account (Warframe)

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Phoneto, 4/5/18.

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  1. Phoneto

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    The account MR11 End game has
    prime wopons:2 Soma prime, cerson prime
    prime warframe: ash,volt,banshee,ember,loki,mirage,nekros,nova,rhino.
    prime secondarys:4 akbolto prime,akstiletto prime (one forma),ballistica prime (one forma),sicarus prime (two forma)
    normal wopons:5 dread,dex sybraris,Corinth,tenora (5 forma has a riven for it worth 350P),arca plasmor,vactis.
    normal warframes: frost,ecaliber,mesa (two forma),octaiva,
    prime melee: Glaive,orthos,nikana,
    prime syandanas:1 Pyra prime.
    The account has 331 hours in game.

    Why do i selling it because i dont really play warframe anymore moved to Fortnite.
    if you want to buy

    asking for it 100$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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