Sold Lol To Coc €1 - San Luis, Pampanga T>> My Lol.

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jeiel Sumang, 3/29/18.

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  1. Jeiel Sumang

    Jeiel Sumang
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    Lol to coc €1 - San Luis, Pampanga T>> My LoL account to your CoC at least th9 max and up.. Platinum frame last season. Provisional this season. Skins: Midnight Ahri Popstar Ahri Surprise Party Amumu Panda Annie Woad Ashe Goalkeeper Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank Resistance Caitlyn Nightmare Cho'Gath Woad King Darius Corporate Mundo Primetime Draven Sandstorm Ekko Striker Ezreal Tundra Fizz Fisherman Fizz Sanguine Garen Commando Garen Rugged Garen Warring Kingdoms J4 Nemesis Jax Firecracker Jinx Bloodmoon Kalista Sandstorm Katarina Deep Sea Kog'Maw Muay Thai Lee Sin Hired Gun Lucian Glacial Malphite Mecha Malphite Samurai Yi Cowgirl Miss Fortune Waterloo Miss Fortune Mafia Miss Fortune Victorious Morgana Riot k9 Nasus Pharaoh Nidalee Bewitching Nidalee Headhunter Nidalee Eternum Nocturne Ruthless Pantheon Slayer Pantheon Full Metal Rammus Outback Renekton Scorched Earth Renekton Pool Party Renekton Redeemed Riven Battle Bunny Riven Mad Hatter Shaco Warlord Shen Darkflame Shyvana Warrior Princess Sivir Snowstorm Sivir Victorious Sivir Dryad Soraka Celestine Soraka Order of the Banana Soraka Reccon Teemo Panda Teemo Rocketgirl Tristana King Tryndamere Sultan Tryndamere Vandal Twitch Aristocrat Vayne Dragonslayer Vayne w/ chroma pack Heartseeker Vayne SKT T1 Vayne Soulstealer Vayne Curling Veigar Definitely not Vel'Koz Hyena Warwick Commando Xin Zhao PROJECT Yasuo Shockblade Zed
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