[Hiring] For Enthusiast Gamers - Looking For Gamers To Play Fifa 18 For Me For Coin Farming

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by coolseller, 3/29/18.

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  1. coolseller

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    Im looking for gamers who can play Fifa 18. I want to do this for coin farming purposes. As you get to play Fifa 18 for free, i'm not providing payment.

    Im opening a coin selling website, when we will sell the coins, the amount will be divided among the people who are working with me.

    I will give you the account details using Team Viewer. Meaning i will log onto your origin account for you.

    I will give you specific instructions on how to play the game. Its very easy. The work you have to do is only for 1-2 hours max a day. Other times you can play Fifa 18 on your account for your fun.

    Do not try to # the account. I own the accounts, meaning i can recover them easily by just calling EA games.


    Skype Live - back.bencher551
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