Selling  Cheep Silver On Na Server!

Discussion in 'Black Desert Silver - Buy Sell Trade' started by LordGrim, 3/28/18.

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  1. LordGrim

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    Hey, my name is David and I'm a new seller here on PlayerUP! I'm not verified but with your help and trust I just might be able to get verified! I hope we can do business together.

    This works by you allowing me into your account so I can grind the silver for you, depending on when you catch me and of course how much silver you buy, it could take anywhere from 1-4 days max. But if you catch me at a good time which is anytime before 11:30 PM I'll be able to make sure I get on your order right away.

    Why should you trust me? Well I cannot force you to trust me, but I can tell you that I can be trusted. Hopefully my word is enough, but someone has to make the first steps into helping me become verified. Again, I hope we can do business together! :rolleyes::blush:

    (As of right now I only sell silver services, level grinding may come later on.)
    (If you have a time frame for me just let me know.)
    (I prefer contact on Discord.)
    (I also ask you leave Feedback if we do end up doing business!)

    5 mil = $1
    20 mil = $4
    50 mil = $10

    or make an offer for a custom amount
    ($1 for each 5 million)
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