Sold Buying Brave Frontier Global Account

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/5/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Xxxxx format username

    Budget: $100 singapore dollar

    Minimum level 55 preference towards kikuri and maidens

    pm me check daily

    can pay slightly higher if you can convince me why your account is worth more


    I have one but 100sgd is too little.

    Add me on skype ttabs03.

    Originally Posted by Jimura

    Xxxxx format username

    Budget: $100 singapore dollar

    Minimum level 55 preference towards kikuri and maidens

    pm me check daily

    can pay slightly higher if you can convince me why your account is worth more

    Add me on facebook.. [email protected] /* */ for more details

    Lvl 76 account. With very good units and Medulla gem.
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  2. wind020

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    Likes Received:
    Lvl 80+ Account
    Zel = 2.5m+
    Karma = 400k+
    Gem = 0
    Arena Rank Titan
    HR Rank = 3
    Summon Ordinary Units = 114x
    Metal Keys = 5
    Metal Keys in GiftBox = 7
    Jewel Keys = 5
    Rarity Bar = MAX
    500 Honor in GiftBox = 12pcs

    Fire Units
    60/60 Fire King Vargas (L)
    60/60 Professor Lorand (B)
    80/80 Blaze Sibyl Freya (B)
    80/80 Lotus Axe Michelle (L)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (B)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (B)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (A)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (A)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (A)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (L)
    1/40 Maiden Cayena (L)

    Water Units
    80/80 Ice Warrior Karl (L)
    80/80 Snow Sibyl Eliza (A)
    80/80 Hail MechReeze (B)
    1/60 Polar Angel Tiara (L)
    1/40 Maiden Serin (L)
    1/40 Maiden Serin (L)
    1/40 Maiden Serin (A)
    1/40 Maiden Serin (B)
    1/40 Maiden Serin (B)

    Earth Units
    80/80 Bow God Lario (L)
    80/80 God Tree Eltri (L)
    17/40 Brawler Nemia (A)
    60/60 Paula (L)
    45/60 Havoc Girl Luly (A)
    1/40 Maiden Bayley (B)

    Thunder Units
    100/100 Holy Thuner Eze (A)
    60/60 Thunder King Eze (A)
    40/40 Royal Dancer May (A)
    60/60 Sky Angel Kushra (G)
    30/30 Zeln (A)
    1/40 Maiden Fennia (B)

    Light Units
    60/60 Sola (L)
    1/40 Estia (B)
    80/80 Xenon & Estia (B)
    80/80 Xenon & Estia (B)
    80/80 Xenon & Estia (B)
    80/80 Xenon & Estia (A)
    23/60 Hero Alma (A)
    1/40 Maiden Vanilla (A)

    Dark Units
    8080 Red Shadow Oboro (B)
    31/60 Madia (G)
    80/80 Night Sibyl Maida (G)
    80/80 Grahdens (L)
    1/40 Xenon (A)
    40/40 Xenon (B)
    80/80 Sir Sancus Xenon (A)
    1/40 Maiden Lico (B)

    Crystals and Gods
    1 Fire Crystal
    1 Water Crystal
    1 Earth God
    2 Thunder Crystals
    2 Light Gods
    2 Light Crystals
    2 Metal Gods

    Evolution Materials
    2 Fire Idols
    3 Fire Pots
    2 Water Idols
    1 Water Pot
    3 Earth Idols
    1 Earth Pot
    4 Thunder Idols
    4 Thunder Pots
    4 Light Idols
    4 Light Totems
    2 Miracle Totems
    4 Dark Idols
    3 Dark Pots
    2 Miracle Bulbs

    Town and Upgrades
    Synthesis 25 MAX
    Sphere 22
    Forest 9
    Farm 7
    River 8
    Mountain 6

    Notable Spheres
    6 Muramasas
    2 Sacred Jewel
    1 Medulla Gem

    Contact me at [email protected] via fb or email
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  3. jakmath

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    Likes Received:
    Lvl 110 Account
    Zel = 2 million
    Karma = 5 million
    Gem = 6
    Arena Rank Titan
    HR Rank = 3
    Metal Keys = 5
    Metal Keys in GiftBox = 2
    Jewel Keys = 4

    Fire Units
    100/100 Holy Flame Vargas (G) 6* SBB lvl 5
    100/100 Task Master Lorand (A)6* BB lvl 4
    100/100 Goddess Axe Michelle (A)6* SBB lvl 1
    2 pcs 80/80 War Rocket Cayena (B)(A)
    100/100 Lancia (L)6* BB lvl 6
    80/80 Smith Lord Galant (B) 5*
    1/60 Crimson Wing Blaze (L) 4*
    60/60 Zegar (B) 4*

    Water Units
    80/80 Ice Warrior Karl (L)
    80/80 Hail MechReeze (B)
    1/60 Polar Angel Tiara (L)
    2 pcs 80/80 , 1/80 Gun Goddess Serin (A),(B) 5*
    2 pcs 1/40 Maiden Serin (L)(A)3*
    1/60 gun Lady Serin (A)4*
    1/60 Ice Quenn Selana (B)4*
    1/40 Snow Blade Sytra(B)3*
    1/80 Tesla (G)5*

    Earth Units
    30/80 Golem (A) 5*
    1/30 Brawler Nemia (G)3*
    1/40 Maiden Bayley (A)3*
    45/60 Havoc Girl Luly (A)

    Thunder Units
    100/100 Heavens Bow LOch (A)6*
    80/80 Legend Falma (A)5*
    1/80 Rebel Angel (A)5*
    1/60 Behemoth (G)4*
    1/30 Zeln (L)
    1/80 THunder Punt Zeln(A) 5*
    1/40 Maiden Fennia (B)
    1/60 Grybe (B) 4*

    Light Units
    100/100 Atro 6* SBB lvl 5
    100/100 Aem 6*
    100/100 HOly Blade Sefia 6* BB lvl 6
    100/100 Holy Blade Sefia 6* BB lvl 7
    1/80 Xenon & Estia (A)5*
    1/80 Lilith (G)5*
    49/80 Holy Warrior Alyut (A)5*
    1/60 Queen Vanilla (A)4*
    1/40 Alma (A)
    1/80 Ray Sibly Sola (A)5*
    1/40 Estia

    Dark Units
    1/40 Oboro (B)
    1/80 Exevutiner SHida (A)
    1/80 Night Sibyl Maida (A)
    80/80 Grahdens (L)
    1/60 Royal Xenon (A)
    20/80 Sir Sancus Xenon (G)
    1/80 Blade Lico (B)
    80/80 Mad God Zebra (A)

    Town and Upgrades


    AddSkype Jakmath
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  4. TrckyGmr

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    My Location:

    Price: 85 us dollar , 110 sgd
    Payment Method: Western Union, Meet up in Manila Philippines
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