Main account: 1) 160 Void Master: - 6 TPs (1-3-2) - Lootpet black knight - Feral set (+20 staff) - Anessa set 8s (with crit pow accesories) 2) 150 Beast Master: - 3 TPs (3-0-0) - Feral set (+12-15 gear) 3) R5 CM for event farming: - full Sprightly gear - High + staff Secondary account: 1) Full set of slaves: VM, Corr, BM, Magus, War Huna, Marksman, Cardinal - all of them are R7 - Most of the cards are +6 (very few missing) - VM, Cardinal & War Huna have 2x r7 dt's for skill awakening - +20 r2 helmets - some of them are 160 for the bear belt 2) 160 MB for lvling pets 3) A special account, that will be revealed if you buy it 4) 4 more accounts used for login events Items: 1) Decorative items: - Lumi wings magic - Lumi wings physical - Emblem with crit power - Full primal, safeguarding, carefull, frantic, puncturing commander set - Valentines cloak - Aurumis cloak - Japan cloak - Full ninja suit - Full cow suit - Full Pharaoh suit - Full Templar Academy suit - Bandit masks - Witch hat - Mask of the crow - Blue Butterfly - Cat ears - Brave explorer hat - Silly glasses - Rosy glasses 2) Lootpets: - Pirate ship - Holly - Mohi - Golden rabbit - Snooby 3) Beltpets: - 9x WD S1 - 2x castspeed basic pets - 5x DT S1 - 8x s0 belt cubes 4) Pets: - S3 BD healer perfect - 3x s0 dragon healers almost perfect (focused more for mage classes) - 1x Undine - 1x Baphomet - 1x Drill - ALOT of Angels, Kentas, Gnolls - Some cerbs, Naga, Ifrits & Genie - Some unique pets for food - ePets for days 5) CS items: (the ammount is the combined total from all the accounts) - 300+ T-pro - 200 + GMFB - 200+ days of HV - 600+ Scrolls of creature taming - 500+ Galaxy & Rage stones ( enough Expert warrios shards for an entire army) - Creature summon scrolls for almost everything (except for the majority of healers) - 100+ Creature respec - 39+ Soul creature respec - 50+ Soul creature selective - 30+ SS Deluxe - Feathers for days - 40+ Transmog charms - 200+ Sealing scroll weapon - Some Teardrops (Basic and Enchanted) - 200+ Advanced soul catalyst - Gladiator pieces 500+ ea 6) Bosscards: - Hector boss card P.atk - Hector boss card M.atk - Mephisto cards - Obsidikar 7) Skillcards: - TONS of card ranging from +1 up to +6 8) Notable additions: - 7B cash - Ancient R6 gloves + boots - Ancient R5 gloves + boots - Angelrings (R4 daggers) - Eternitys (R3 1h swords) - Rapiers (R2 1h swords) - A few more unique nd gears for transmog - R5 6s belt for Chaos Mage farm event Things to take in consideration: 1) I want the money in advance, paypal or credit card 2) For questions or more details feel free to send me an email: [email protected] 3) These accounts have a lot more gears and stuff that most likely i forgot to mention, but generally you have everything you can think of. 3) The reason im selling these accounts is that i got into the point in my life where i need to focus more on my job and my addiction to Rappelz is causing problems 4) With the money from these accounts i want to buy an Apple Watch so i can use it as a fitness tracker to lose some weight
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