it is a steam account...server is eu... rank is 76... earthshaker helmets for all classes... guns rifleman class- gold fy47, earthshaker t27, gold para medic class- fararm atf 12,fararm sat 8 pro, earthshaker msg 500 custom engineer class- smg 9 ares, exar-l-pdw, earthshaker ccr cqb sniper class- sae scout, twmx308 all vendor guns and gear unlocked except the gepard sniper price is a modest 70usd....
Trade Rank 30 Have 90 day vip Russian flag All skin winter and jungle And guns too winter and jungle Guns : Bt50 Dewfiled r65 Smg ares Bullpup peg Coanct me Discord:Ninjajack#1078 Gmail:[email protected] Facebook.:
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