You posted your accounts for sale but when someone bought them via middleman you never released account info in the 3way.Can you please tell me why?
@Emperor please reply to MOD @samsaha86 and also please stop swearing and also stop using vulgar language with @Iridescence here. You and him might have serious argument over feedback issue here but you don't need to use that kind of language in every posts here. Besides admin and Hulk, I've been also helping you to handle this request. Almost every time you write here to push admin to close this request(of yours), you never miss to swear. Thank you for understanding.
It s not me who closed them, there is a guy I found on Facebook. Mark Camcho I forgot his username here he is verified, he had 300$ pup balance and alwayse changed his mind I have fb conversation
When it comes to an argument over the negative feedback or dispute against each other, nothing is normal. That's why people needs the 3rd party like admin and moderator team to help solving it. Regarding your vulgar language, I only warn you here without an official warning like the one that did suspend you before. You may realise there are many people handling this thread and reading every words you write here. Be considerate and helpful here so that this issue can be solved very soon.
Bro I understand but look at him... I didn t even trade with him and he keeps spamming, I even suggested him to buy from buy link and he refused
No worry. Every activities, conversations and transactions can be checked. We are asking both sides to only update here if your update comes with proof and related to the topic. If there isn't any, please try to keep this thread short as possible. It'd be easier for admin or other Support to continue it from here. Thank you
@Avatar PR As you already saw how he contradicted himself, I still don't understand why he is denying it. With so much proof why is there still research on the mods part being done? I have provided so much proof at this point there is no need for it. I provided Google searches of his Skype, provided proof that when I asked him for Paypal logs he blocked me meaning that he did receive the money and never gave it back. Lastly, he provided more evidence with his contradiction earlier on this thread because he had nothing else to defend himself with but in the end had the opposite effect. Simply to put it, he is a loser who is using old techniques such as cursing, lying, and etc. since he's been proven guilty. As more time goes on his posts are still open and there is a chance of more people being scammed. And his last comment about buying through Playerup middleman. I do not mean to undermine you effort mods, but the middleman system is easy to scam, as he did before with his other negative feedback. The thing is that once you purchase an account the buyer receives the account credentials, but the buyer does not receive the other info to be able to change the email or take back the account. So in the end the seller can take the account back through contacting support and the rest is history. So in the the Skype conversation he didn't want to show proof that he refunded my original Skype's money and just told me to buy off of the Playerup middleman system, hm that is pretty sketchy. Also I cannot emphasize on how good the accounts he is selling are. The fact that they haven't been sold yet after such a long time proves that he was never intending on selling them. The price he sells it at, 150$ and such is a serious undervalue of his accounts and he knows it. For him it is free money as he can easily take back the account. In short, we need to ban him sooner imo before he scams more people. I've have laid the proof clearly so no extra research is needed before his ban.
@Iridescence Thank you for sharing here. We see what you tried to explain and pointed out here in details. Here is our explanation. Although the investigation on MOD side is already finished, this issue is not resolved quickly like other Feedback issues because it is related to other users and other Middleman transactions besides you. Also, MOD team does not have info that the users send to Middleman so we cannot answer here. Regarding your concern about buyer not receiving enough info to be able change email, please check out this screenshot in below (red highlight) It's 3 Way Conversation Ticket that every users receive. You may notice that Middleman also instructs every users to make sure that Email Address is updated to the buyers' email address. In case that the seller does not update or give enough info to the buyer to change email address in order to prevent 'Account Recall', this is the buyer's right to question seller. Buyers are allowed to cancel if seller does not give enough info. If buyers still agree to buy during the process of 3 Way Ticket Conversation although sellers do not give enough info for buyers to change/update email, Middleman cannot force that. That is the responsibility of buyers to check the item/account they purchase before buying. However, Middleman still protects buyers if their purchased accounts are recalled just like the latest dispute today that our user received refund from Middleman because he has Middleman Buyer Protection. Did Not Recieve | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Hope this explanation helps here.
Oh did not know that if only I read as much as a wrote... so it's an escrow. Good to know But I believe that it is impossible to change email on a Vainglory account or the other accounts he is selling. And from experience with talking to him, he says that he will never touch the account even though he will still hold access to email. But regardless, the system does work out for most cases but I believe that for some games, the buying option should not allowed for some games. Before a new game forum is added, the team should check how account recalls work in the game and if it is viable to have a game market for that specific game without an issue of too many scams. Vainglory and the other Mobile MOBAs are one of these exceptions. They do not allow an email change no matter what you say and this is what he says and banks on. I can't make assumptions since I never bought through him with the Middleman, but by talking to him on Skype and his refusal to prove to me that he didn't scam me it shows that his proposal of me buying through the Middleman is flawed. There was something fishy to it, especially consdiering the fact that you cannot change emails for these games.
No problem. We understand that it is sometimes a lot to read when it comes to security. However, it is necessary to give out enough details and instruct users how to trade safely. You may find more info about Middleman Buyer Protection here. Middleman: Buyers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Thank you for your other helpful suggestions here.
Can you resolve this faster... He never bought from me as he posted, he wanted to show him my PayPal (lol) and refused to buy trough buyout link. This should be resolved long time ago.
Please read before posting here. There is nothing to resolve on MOD team's side. It is up to admin and Middleman as we already explained. If you insist to finish this issue now, you may submit a ticket to admin directly.
I in fact did buy from him, and many other people did @Selo54 but through Skype, and he as a matter of fact scammed all of us but you know leave it to the mods.
@Iridescence Admin keeps all the threads on our platform to protect users. The thread that @Selo54 opened the dispute is still there.
Thank you for reminding, @Iridescence After I have waited for admin to check every requests on this Feedback forum, admin approved every requests except this one. If @Emperor still insists to request here, he may contact admin directly. @Iridescence is not a spammer as he was accused here. Thank you for cooperating with moderator team and admin to give sufficient info here for this case. Resolved