Zawsome123 tried # my gmail after giving me a YouTube account to "try". He is actually Russian and just starting out on scams. His whole YouTube he gave me search history was how to # YouTube accounts and how to # gmail. He tried # me but I'm a content creator and my info is free to the public as I have nothing to hide. He sent my ip address, picture of me, my location, my name, and my email. He threatened to come beat me up. I request that middleman deletes his account and block his up address as I have it, to prevent further people from getting scammed.
I have deleted the account he had gave me and he is calling me names and being ridiculous on his posting to me
I can't post images or I would on my posts. If you took him to investigate you would have seen. He has post selling account but is also trying to "buy" one. Please investigate for yourself Selling - Other - 0-1k Subs - 2007 Aged Account- Videos Posted | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
We understand why you may not feel comfortable to share proof in the public. If they are sensitive info, please don't. However, we can investigate and take action only when someone requests our help along with their proof. We thank you for the ref link of this seller and will pass to admin for you.
It's not that I don't want to share the info. I just can' post images on here from my phone. Thank you
Understood. Then please try the website called Imgur After you upload the image or screenshot there, you may copy the link and paste it here. Hope this helps.
Zawsome123 is banned @Kingdraco87 please visit the feedback forum and explain about your negative feedback there Help With False Info | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.