Selling Dungeon Boss Lvl 70 Best Account Op

Discussion in 'Dungeon Boss Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ventshe Evans, 3/21/18.

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  1. Ventshe Evans

    Ventshe Evans
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    Hello I don't have time to actually play this game as I use to due to two jobs.I am in the number one guild and earn crowns each day.The guild is Hooligan Academy. I have 2 op account I will sell for the price of one.

    Account Name: VentsheX
    Account Level: 70
    VIP: 6
    Hero's: Half 6* and The best runes the game offer and way OP. it is easy to hit Legend one with this account and never worry about losing.

    Epics: Shade and Grog Grnog are 6* with epic level Max. The team I have set up for you will never fail you and always surprise you.

    I have equip most hero's with OP runes that will have you showing off.

    2nd Account Name : Roseay
    Account Level: 70
    Vip: 10
    All hero's unlock and 80% are 6* and all hero's accended.

    Epics: Most Epic unlock! With Soooo many cel Evos!
    So many gold and so much to do that will have you never want to stop using this account.

    Everything is legit and ready to be sent. Need proof ? Dont worry I will show you.

    Phone Number : 404-769-9619

    Payment: Paypal >>>
    [email protected]

    Price: $120.00 USD
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  2. PlayerUp

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