I wanna sell my account and I my account I have spend more then 3K USD If anyone wanna contact me Kik me Kik:- AKOff_ Account nick name :- F_U
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he scammed me, # my paypal, # my bank, i was dealing him and we couldn't unlink the account with old email and set it up in new, and he said he would help, and he did, but then overnight, i couldn't log into the account anymore, and my paypal was charge $700 in charges, and the IP came from his country. He's a ******* scumbag, and then he denied everything and tried to say 'oh he have to find the people who did this' ******* scumbbag. I'm now out almost $1,000 because of this terrorist scum.
You must be so stupid to say that , what you said is just mean i am so good hacker that i can # banks and also paypal even tho they have the best security. shut the fok up dude , you just got the account with all infomation and refund your mom and call yourself a hero fock off. have some balls and talk to me on skype you focked scammer biatch
scammer punk — Postimage.org So I gave u the email associated to the account and the pas sword after I bought it so you cold undue your information from the account, and I didn't think about the fact it was the same password to my email and paypal, all passwords, because you kept messaging me about fixing it, then after you got the password, you change the email and password on pool account, you logged in my Facebook. account and you sent money to your account and other peoples accounts after buying the account, remember the thread when u said u sold it on 3/15, then why was there a charge for $400 in my account on march 26th to AK official and then a $100 charge to some person I don't know, and then another $200 charge to someone I don't know. I have no reason to lie, I hope no one messes with you you freaking scum lying scammer. scammer punk — Postimage.org
also you took back the pool account, and it is associated with ur country and I can't log in, don't ******* lie
No bro you sucmed the sh8t out of me, well lets say okay i got into ur paypal and i # all ur banks and ofc you got alot money there why would i send the money to my real paypal account ?? and why would i take only 400 USd ? actually i kept my street side clean not you. you got my account and you changed my email as well. and love you my paypal account completely up. i rather talk to you on skype. be sure if i was hacker or scammer i would never share my video chat with you and share some of my personal info