Sold Selling My Own Semi End Game Account Mlb Cloud, Wol, Bartz And Eiko

Discussion in 'Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia DFFOO Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PinkMayo, 3/19/18.

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  1. PinkMayo

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    Currently it has 580k Gil, 0 tickets, 4k gems and tons of 5* weapons.

    Current MLB weapons are WoL, Bartz, Cloud, Eiko and Tidus 15CP. The other 5* weapons are in the album below.

    Most characters are 50/50, some are less and and underleveled as indicated in the album. Summons are at their max farmable- . . level except for Chocobo which is at 11.

    Plenty of crystal stock,...

    Selling my own semi end game account MLB Cloud, WoL, Bartz and Eiko
    #1 PinkMayo, 3/19/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 6/9/18
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