1750 with 100% win and 20 subs!

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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    Ok, so i've now decided to sell my Account with 20 subs..

    It got many subs but i will only mention some of them, if u dosn't belive me that i got all subs i can send u pictures etc.. PM if interested!

    The best one on this account is 1750 mmr 100% win 30+ wins!

    1st. sub. 1700+ 4,x KD and about 65% win with over 250 games played.

    2nd. sub. 1750 mmr nothing special.

    also got x2 8-0 accounts and 1 8-1!

    I got 3 name colors, Aquamarine, Diamond Blue, Pink Diamond

    2 announcers, british gentlemen pack and the VRZO English

    4 tauntsropping G's Taunt, Fat Lady Taunt, Gore Taunt & Kongor Taunt

    Groundhog Tremble



    moon prince

    frosty the iceman

    eggnog master

    jackson frost

    mali klause

    master of bows

    gunnar the artillerist

    golden centurion

    tesla the mad scientist

    zenifir the dark elf

    frankie pebbles


    rage bane

    master assasin sil

    mecha gemini

    doll master

    alien andromeda

    witch hunter

    steampunk electrician


    sniper scout

    clockwork archer


    chainsaw moraxus

    celeris queen bee monarch

    peking duck

    voodoo raptor

    horseman war

    night hunter


    count dampeer

    gypsy fayde

    dark zealot

    patriot bubbles

    dominatrix torturer

    mother nature keeper


    grandfather time

    fallen valkyrie

    steampunk disciple

    flaming deadwood

    demented witch

    cleopatra pharoh

    ronin swiftblade

    infernal behemoth

    logger legionnaire

    mist runner scout

    frost rider

    dryad warden

    overseer hellbringer

    flint boomstick

    snow zephyr

    mutant parasite

    oni devourer

    thor thunderbringer

    winston charmadon

    vigilante vindicator

    steam flux

    forsaken strider

    white lotus silhouette

    wretched hottie


    quadraropod tremble

    mountain tundra

    mystic tempest

    grim reaper

    queen arachna

    captain flint

    adventure gladiator

    ninja bubbles

    el guantelete

    clown devour

    nightmare madman

    cannon bombardier

    raven soulstealer

    female glacius

    scorpion magmus

    pollywog chieftain

    sexy moon queen

    female pyromancer
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