WTS inexpensive verified Account and Legacy account, both with tons of alt avatars

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I would trade both of these accounts for 1 account with warlord rally (ea)

    Legacy Account - $30 CAD

    Normal Mode MMR 1560

    Casual Mode MMR 1648.50

    323 Gold Coins, 640 Silver Coins

    Alt Avatars - Vagabanadon, Garbagore, Mecha Gemini (limited), Doll Master, Steampunk Electrician (limited), CyberValk, Sniper Scout, Rhino Rampage, GeoJuice, Queen Bee Monarch, PeKing Duck, Night Hunter, Kangamonium, Grandfather Time, Demented Witch, Ronin Swiftblade, Infernal Behemoth, Logger Legionnaire, Frost Rider, Snow Zephyr, Mutant Parasite, Winston Charmadon, Nomaddin, Quadropod Tremble, Rainbow Rampage, Queen Arachna, Teen Hound, Ninja Bubbles, El Guantelete, Clown Devourer, Nightmare Madman, Raven Soulstealer, Pollywog Chieftain

    Taunts - baby, gore, kongor

    Verified Account - $10 CAD

    Normal Mode MMR - 1584

    Casual Mode MMR - 1678

    37 Gold Coins, 2648 Silver Coins

    Alt Avatars - Throwback Bloodhunter, Throwback Valk, Throwback Moon Queen, Throwback Accursed, Red Raja, Golden Centurion, Centaur Warden, Duel, Harumon King, Rage Bane, Lord Thanathos, Joan D'Rally, The Orc With No Name (limited), Sniper Scout, Rhino Rampage, Demonbuster Electrician, Xeno Predator, Voodoo Raptor, Night Hunter, Grandfather Time, Ronin Swiftblade, Winston Charmadon, Nomaddin

    Silver Name Colour

    Contact me at skype: sandybear.bkai


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    legacy account now $15

    Verified Account is Sold

    Legacy Account ill go $10, want to get rid of it fast

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    can a mod lock this thread?

    I'm selling my LoL acc, so when i sold it ill buy ur acc if is still on sale!!
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